Saturday, December 31, 2005

Lick 'dem chops

Here is Frito as he reflects back over the year. He licks his chops with satisfaction. And contemplates ...

Wait a minute. Actually, he's licking his chops because he just had a drink. Frito chooses not to look back, but rather relish the "now" ...

Jeez, Alpha, just get over it. I'm a dog, already. I've got my orange bone toy, and I'm sitting in the warm sun, looking out over my back yard. That's why I'm happy. You should try it sometime ;-)

Happy New Year everyone!

Friday, December 30, 2005

My New Bed

So wadya think? My Mom made this new bed for me for Christmas. See, it's got dog bones, and dog paws, and my name embroidered all around the edge. And it's made out of soft velour, and stuffed with two old down pillows. This is dog heaven, which is quite amazing, because I already thought I was in dog heaven when I was adopted by Alli. I'm a lucky dog.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Frito von Pompadour

When Frito gets a little shaggy (as he was at the time of this photo), and the wind starts blowing in multiple directions (as it often does in the boat), then Frito has been known to end up with a pompadour hairdo. Hence his nickname. But he still is cute -- who else could make such a claim?

The leather stealer

Frito looks good against the leather sofa, don't you think? The only problem is that he knows it. So when you get up to get a drink or whatever, he usually manages to move in for your seat. Then we find out who's nice, and who's the alpha ;-)

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Greg and Frito

Here's someone you haven't seen in the Frito-a-Day collection yet. That's Greg, Frito's brother. They hang together sometimes whenever Greg is back from college. Frito has been very excited to have his whole family around for Xmas. It will be tough when Greg and Alli are both off to school in less than two weeks.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Let's Dance

Frito got to visit with lots of folks on Christmas, plus a little 2-pound chihauhau that we were holding for a day for our neighbor was finally gone (a stealth Xmas present), so Frito put his party hat on and started to party.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

The Present that keeps on Giving

A full tree with colored lights and many fancy presents, but which of these would you pick? Santa has been very good to us. But on this question, trust me, Frito is the gift that keeps on giving! Merry Christmas.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

(Formerly) Injured Warrior

Don't worry -- this is a picture from last year. Frito appears to have made a full recovery from his knee surgery, but it is a little humorous to look back and see him with his leg in a full cast, along with a shaved butt. He was a good trooper through it all. And of course now in addition to being a very cute dog, he's also a very expensive one ;-)

Friday, December 23, 2005

Admire my Greenie

Frito has a little tradition (habit? addiction?) that each night around 7:00 PM he gets a Greenie treat. But before he eats it, we all have to admire it, and tell him what a "beautiful Greenie" it is. Don't ask me how it started, but it's kinda funny. See him showing it off for the camera?

On Alli's Bed

Alli's dog on Alli's bed -- that's appropriate. And that's a big sun in the background -- Alli's room has been painted as a giant mural (all four walls) of an ocean scene (go Carol). Anyways - Frito likes it. Someday we'll have to have him "model" sections of it for you.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

On the Turkey Trail

Wild Turkeys! We got 'em. Usually about a dozen roaming through the yard, taking advantage of bird-feeder fallout. And they are big -- take a look at the size of those turkey tracks. Well Frito's out checking out the new smells. Just like a dog ;-)

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

"Well, Hi howdy"

That what Frito is saying .. "Well, Hi howdy Alpha". (That's what he calls me.) Frito is such a buddy, always looking for a little affection, some incidental food, and a nice walk. Hey, come to think about it, that pretty much describes me as well ;-)

Monday, December 19, 2005

Frito's lookin' sharp

Frito is modeling another of item from his vast sweater wardrobe. He's got the be the only dog that needs a closet in which to house his attire. But he does look good, doesn't he? Or as my father would have said -- he looks sharp!

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Dancin' by the Xmas tree

I'm not sure why Frito is so excited. I don't see any presents under that tree, do you? I guess that means he still believes! Do you?

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Frito takes a spin

Another classic. Frito takes the boat out on Tucker Pond. Hey, I'm not kidding -- this is no Photoshop sleight of hand -- take a close look at that photo and tell me he's not driving. Now I just can't remember if we had a water skier on the back at the time or not. Frito is very talented -- do not underestimate him ;-)

Friday, December 16, 2005

Another sweater

Another cold day (and it's not even officially winter) apparently means yet another sweater. Do you think Carol went just a little crazy at 'the Mart'? But hey, anything to keep Frito warm and cute. After all, he is the ONLY thing that gets us outside on the really cold days.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Gettin' a drink

Can't get a much bigger water dish than this -- taking a sip from Tucker Pond.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Another bath?

OK, here's the good news: Frito is a kitchen-sink size dog, so bath time is relatively straight forward (so long as you don't have a sink full of dishes). Now here's the bad news: muddy yard, dirt driveway, and neighbor's horse barn means many, many bath 'opportunities'. Oh well, Frito likes his baths pretty much. And he loves getting dried off with multiple warm towels.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Tug-o-war Maniac

Have I explained what a nice dog Frito is? Well ... he gets a little crazy when he plays tug-o-war, a game that he loves. Then he turns into this green-eyed maniac. But he's still cute -- really, he is. Just don't sneak up behind him ;-)

Monday, December 12, 2005

Who you callin' Yoda ears?

"When 900 years you reach, look as good, you will not."


The Snow Poodle

Another day, another foot of snow. And so you get to see Frito, the Snow Poodle. I guess these are the benefits of an early winter ;-)

Saturday, December 10, 2005

He's a swimmer

Another snowstorm in New England (we got over a foot of snow), so I had to revert back to one of the summertime photos. Here's Frito cruising the shoreline looking for some critters. He rarely gets anything at Tucker Pond (thankfully). At our home pond, it is another story, I'm afraid.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Camouflaged Frito

Frito blends in well with our oriental rug, don't you think? But his green eyes give him away.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

The Mariner

It's getting particularly cold at the Crisp household, so I thought a summertime photo might warm us up. This is Frito "the mariner" in one of his favorite activities -- riding in the boat on Tucker Pond.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Frito, Carol, and the Pond

Pre-winter snow again at our home. But so long as Frito gets his walks, he’s content. Here are Frito and Carol, in front of our pond -- the saga of which is now distinctly on the up-turn. You can see it is holding water, and thanks to fall rains and early snows, we’re getting a really nice flow of water now.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Frito goes exloring

On a winter walk yesterday, Frito came across this hollowed-out tree in the woods behind our house. Either fearless or stupid, he went closer for a look, but we encouraged him to let discretion be the better part of valor. Who knows what's living in there? We've had a black bear and a porcupine in our back yard in the past, so anything is possible!

Monday, December 05, 2005

Frito on fleece

Here's a photo from yesterday when Carol and Alli were sewing some Xmas presents. Frito immediately sought out the polar fleece. Made for a colorful backdrop, don't you think?

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Now that's a present

Frito doesn't get much cuter than this. And he's all dressed up in his little Xmas bow sweater. Wouldn't that be the best present? You know what they say: "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift; that's why they call it the present." Today, that gift is Frito!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Who are you calling a dirty dog?

The complete joy of being a dog owner must also include having to carry this baby into the kitchen sink for a bath. How can anyone get this dirty? Oh yeah, I almost forgot, he's a dog.

Friday, December 02, 2005

So fickle, here is my new favorite toy

Frito literally wore out his previous favorite toy (the purple alligator in yesterday's photo, but like a good buddhist dog, he's not overly attached, and now has a new favorite. (And this time, his parents were smart enough to buy a passle of them ;-)

Thursday, December 01, 2005

The Frito Classic

This one's a classic. Frito on the sofa with his favorite chew toy. It graces my desktop. Can you get any cuter than this?

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Run, Frito, Run

I love this picture; check out those ears. Frito is as free and playful as you can get. A good objective for all of us, don't you think?

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Posing for the camera

They don't come any cuter than this guy ... no, no, no, I mean the dog!

Monday, November 28, 2005

Frito's been snortling

No, Frito hasn't lost his ears. This photo just happens to capture him mid-snortle, when he rubs is face in your bed covers, and if necessary, daintily sneezes on your quilt. Sound disgusting? Well, he's a dog! Actually, it's quite cute, and always entertaining. And hey, that's one of Carol's homemade quilts on Alli's bed, and they don't mind.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

A little decorum, please

I'm sure Frito would be mortified to see his underbelly exposed for the whole blogosphere to see. So please, people, show a little decorum when perusing this blog with your pets. I mean, really.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

How much is that doggie in the window?

Black Friday has come and gone, and we survived, opting instead for Buy Nothing Day. But that's just because we could window shop with Frito as we looked out over the frozen tundra. Who could resist such an offer?

Friday, November 25, 2005

Alli and the Snow Bunny

White powder then big flakes continued to fall for a beautiful (if premature) 6" snow-covered Thanksgiving. Here is Alli with a white poodle -- no, that's Frito with snow balls on his legs. We gave him a rinse in the sink afterward.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Thanksgiving Snow Bunny

Yes, this is Thanksgiving 2005 in Amherst, New Hampshire USA. Frito is a snow bunny!