Guess what. If you are reading this post, it can only mean one thing. Alpha actually dragged his old bag 'o bones across the finish line in the Portland, OR marathon.
Congratulations from your favorite training partner ;-)
OK, Alpha, that makes ONE! Good start.
Now, I'll expect to see you on the trail as soon as you get home!
For those that are interested, Alpha has posted some photos from the marathon:

This shows the early morning start, and just a fraction of the runners. Wow.
Here's Alpha before the race begins. Note the smile (hee, hee). Actually, I understand he was smiling most of the way (but then, we know he's a nut).
It had been bretty crummy weather in Portland this week -- but check this out, the sun came out (fortunately, only briefly). But really, the weather was perfect for running. And no rain!

This is the "big hill" in the Portalnd Marathon (really, not all that big). Yet, you can see quite a few folks walking. Alpha wanted me to pass along that HE never walked at all. Ran the whole thing (woo-hoo).

Here's the bridge that the hill leads up to. That was kinda cool.

And here is the view from the bridge -- really purty.

Ahhh, the finish line. Alpha's time was actually a little better than what you see there. So many people ran, that they gave each one a "chip" that went on their running shoe, and their official time was recorded whenever they ran over the start and finish line. For the record, his was 4:28:31.