Guess who just finished his
second marathon? Woo-hoo Alpha!
Alpha ran in the 2nd annual Eugene, Oregon marathon, and did pretty good (4:11), and a notable improvement over his first marathon (4:28). He had hoped to do even better (sub-4:00), and ran a very fast (for him) half marathon (1:51), but for anyone that knows distance running, that's a recipe for a crash and burn at the end. Apparently so!
But we're proud of him anyways ;-). And being his training partner, I intend to enforce some discipline in preparation for his 3rd marathon in Lowell, MA this fall.
Perhaps you can see the entry name he used for this race ... "Alpha". And he's wearing his running shirt that Alli gave him with pictures of moi on it, that says "Run, Alpha, Run." Anything I can do to help!

Oh yeah, and it looks like there were lots of people. Well, not like Chicago, New York, or Boston, but still about 5,000 I'm told.

Oh yeah, and do any of you remember Dan, my Dog God Father? He ran the marathon also. He's even faster than Alpha (3:46 for what I believe is his 12th marathon), and not to proud to wear his finisher's medal either, is he? (Hee, hee) I liked seeing Dan!