Guess what today is? My parents left on vacation, and so did I. They are off to Hawaii (24-hours of travel to an island state is not a good prescription for a doggie). And I'm off to my new dog sitters, the Beuttlers. When my parents dropped me off this morning, I made myself right at home. They are great people. Pretty cool I get my very own vacation, donchathink?
So anyways, about this other splash -- in the water!

Yesterday was a beautiful day, and we took a nice long walk (and I was getting hot). So when I didn't just jump in the pond on my own, I received a little, er, assistance from Alpha.
I don't mind. I really like the water. Cools me right off and gives me more spunk in the trunk!

But you can see in this photo, my hair is getting pretty thin. Hey, who knew dog's had to worry about male pattern baldness.
Hopefully the medicine I get from Dr. Essig will be able to get back some of my hair. Won't be too bad in the summer, but next winter ... brrrrr.