We interrupt your regularly-scheduled Frito-a-day to bring you this special report
It's a gorgeous day here in Amherst, NH. Nearly 60 degrees, with bright sunshine, and big, white puffy clouds. So what better day to have a romp in the apple orchard with Alli. We had a lot of fun. I was a good walker (on the leash) to and from the orchard, but once there, I got to run like the wind. Except when I rested, like here with Alli. And you can see we are twins -- we both have our safety orange on, just to make sure we're not mistaken for big game ;-)
That's all for this highly significant special report. We'll be sure to keep you up to date with all of the story's developments. Until then, we now return you to your regularly scheduled Frito-a-day's
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