This here's a mighty bullfrog in our little frog pond. He is sitting in a bunch of pond weed. That's where they like to hide out. They think this camoflages them, but I've been around the pond a few times, and am pretty wise to their ways
This is where I come in. Here you see me entering the pond weed area. If I move very slowly, the frog won't notice me. I am very stealthy. As I said, I've been doing this for many years now.
Look how close I am now. Obviously, he has been caught off guard. This is looking to be a good froggin' day. Just wait until you see the next photo.
Oh wait -- it seems Alpha wants to turn this into a "cliff-hanger" episode on Frito-a-Day, so y'all have to come back tomorrow and see the outcome of my froggin' adventures. Hey, don't blame me. Blame Alpha.
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