Sunday, December 06, 2009

Escargot anyone?

Check out these tasty looking morsels. Some people pay big bucks for these in French restaurants.

But Alpha's gone all vegetarian on me, and he won't let me eat them -- just sniff them, which is kinda fun.

Actually, they do quite a bit of damage in the garden, so our neighbors enlisted the young twins, and they moved all the snails out to the woods.

That's a kinder, gentler approach, donchathink?


Alli said...

Trust me, Frito, you are better off with the yummy chicken snacks that you currently get... no need to add chewy snails to that =/ lol

Frito said...

Ummm, kinda down to kibbles. :-(

But on the plus side, I now have some great natural chew bones. :-)