Thursday, January 14, 2010

Pajama Party!

As promised, it's time for my pajama party. Come on, you can all join in too ;-)

Now I must confess, when Alpha first suggested we try on this new outfit, I wasn't too sure it was a good idea. Can you tell?

But then my parents took me out into the COLD and the SNOW. And it started growing on me!

And man, I had no problem running back and forth along the trail, even through the snow. It kept me from getting "snowballs" clumped up in my legs.

You can see Alpha's all bundled up -- but my PJs kept me nice and toasty.

Only my paws got cold after running around for an hour. But Mom took some time to get all the snow and ice out from between my toes, and I was good to go again.

And so I leave you with this smiley face. Nope, I'm not mooning you ;-) Just wiggling my tail "bye, bye" to all my fans.


caroldcrisp said...

I can't imagine there could be anything cuter in the whole world than my pup in PJ's!

Frito said...

Actually, I'm your daughter's pup in PJs ... but who's counting ;-)

But in any case, I certainly am cute!

Alli said...

OH. MY. GOD. What a cutie!! No worrying about snowballs on the paws anymore =)

Frito said...

Yeah, kinda pegged the cute meter on this one ;-)