At the cottage, we went out for a couple of canoe rides. As you may have noticed in earlier posts, I like to have a view of the water, and so usually climb up in someone's lap. Which can make for some challenging paddling.
So Alpha rigged up this royal seat for me. Whadya think? If you ask me ... "I'm the King of Siam, I am, I am" (with no disrespect intended to the wonderful people of Thailand ;-)
Yep, living large on Tucker Pond. Woo hoo!
Hey King Frito,
I forgot to tell you who I met this past weekend. Barack Obama- he even patted my head! It was quite a nice encounter, but I was afraid I was going to be crushed by the well wishers. You have the right idea- stick to out doors activities and leave the politics behind!
Anna Banana
Wow -- did you get a picture? Your gonna have to start up your own blog pretty soon, ya know.
So what did you think -- should he be our next president? Me, I'm only interested in when I get my next snack ;-)
Unfortunately I didn't get a picture. Mom was busy shaking hands with Barack and holding me up at the same time so I wouldn't be crushed by the crowd. She had her camera, but darn she couldn't shake and take at the same time. Afterwards, a reporter took a photo of me and Mom. I hope my hair looked good;-)
Yeah, I agree- those snacks are what we want- hum- where is Mom- I think I'll go beg.
Talk to you soon,
Anna B.
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