Well, I got to go on a road trip up to Montreal -- woohoo! The family was helping my bro' move apartments. His new place is cool (in a funky, student, crash-pad sort of way ;-) and it is very close to this great park.
I also go to stay in this really swanky hotel. Yes, they really allow pets (at least small dogs), so my parents didn't have to smuggle me in or nothin'.
And check out my bed! Well, I'm willing to share it. But ooooh, now that is luxurious!
There was a cool walking area right across from the hotel. And outside was this statue of some dude named Jean Paul. See how Alpha made it look like he was walking me? Such a kidder ;-)
Another cool thing about Montreal is that they have really big, and really stupid, squirrels. You would not believe how close I got to snacking on them. Darn that leash ;-)
Ha Ha Frito- you are really a world traveler. I especially love the photo with that dude Jean Paul, MOm laughed out loud.
Ali is one lucky girl!!!
Anna B.
BTW- my friends told me to drop the middle name "Banana", but I kind of like it!
Thanks Anna Banana.
And tell your friends not to mess with your name ;-)
That is from some one proudly named Don Frito el Bandito.
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