Friday, November 23, 2007

Hot-tubbing, my way

OK, so here's the deal.

Ya see, my parents often go hot-tubbing early in the morning. I get to go outside with them and run around like a maniac.

But when it's cold, I like to come inside before they are done. This makes Alpha get out of the hot tub, soaking wet, and let me into the basement (hee-hee).

And that's when I get to snuggle up in his nice warm bathrobe (hand made by Mom, thankyouverymuch).

And snooze. Yep, that's hot-tubbing, done my-way.


Alli said...

Oh man...I wish I had a bed that was as comfy as that! Or more so, I wish that I was there sleeping with you! I bet you're having a very good puppy dream!

Frito said...

Hey, rumor has it Alpha is fixing the slats in your sleigh bed, so hopefully you will (and we know it is perfect Frito height).

And I know you will be home pretty soon Alli. I'll be waiting!