In case you didn't know, I have a twin. Really, just take a look ...
Ha ha! Pedro got a little orange vest (emphasis on the word *little*), just like me.
See how cute he looks with his Mom?

(Hee hee -- this is just a photo off the web, at least I don't *think* it's really Pedro ;-)
hey frito i`m still waiting for my orange suite from mom.
I asked her John. She says she doesn't have enough fabric (hee, hee).
Thank you Frito for my new vest. We do look like twins, both extremely handsome! No that is not me with the jewelry on. I have to put my paw down sometimes. The girls would dress Joey up as Anabelle until mom put a stop to that. She better protect me from that! Thanks again buddy. Pedro
You are welcome Pedro.
Glad to hear that wasn't you in the jewelry.
As Jerry Seinfeld might add: Not that there would be anything wrong with that, you understand ;-)
Hee, hee
Hey Frito, That little boy is a cutie like you. A birdie told me you would be heading to the Spaw today. That Dara does a nice job. I got a new coat too last night from the Spaw- ask Dara-only mine isn't very practical.
Anna B.
Thanks Anna B.
I do have quite a few jackets and sweaters, but (probably thanks to Alpha) mine are all pretty practical.
Yes, and as for Dara's Spaw, I *was* there today to make myself even more adorable if that is possible ;-)
I also heard that you are there every week (OMG) -- you must be really, really adorable ;-)
hey frito tell mom i`ll buy the material if she makes the outfit hehehe
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