And so this is Christmas ...
... and a Happy New Year ...
... let's hope it's a good one ...
... without any fear ...Looking for your Christmas present? Well, look no further. Check out that sweater, and it will be clear to all that I'm Baaaaack! It's been over six months since I've been on the blogosphere. My apologies to those who checked back only to see the same old me each time. I may be cute, but I understand there are limits ;-) And thanks go to Alli who said the only thing she wanted for Christmas was to see her Frito-a-Day updated again. Aw shucks, Alli.
So what have I been up to you ask? Well ... moving over to Germany, for one thing. Yep, and I'll try to bring you up to date on my new digs, and some of the cool places we've already visited, and the miles and miles (oh wait, let's make that kilometers and kilometers) of forests paths where I get to take my walks. In the photo above you can see I am checking out some logs that the ForestMeister left along a trail.
And below, I'm visiting one of the MANY Christmas markets they have all over Germany. Check out Alpha and the hat. What's up with that?

So Merry Christmas Alli! And Merry Christmas Greg! I really miss you guys and hope you'll come visit me soon. And until then, at least send me e-mail, so Mom and Alpha can read it to me ;-)