Sunday, September 05, 2010

Checkin' me out

Can you see in the door -- some one is checking me out.

Oh, that's Mom, wondering if I'm OK out here on the steps.

Yep, Mom, I'm doing fine. Just another form of my loungin'.

I really do love the sun, and how it warms up the stone steps.


john said...

can you blame her you are a cool dog worth looking at even without a chew bone

Frito said...

Yeah man, like soooo cool dude.

Just call me Cool Hand Frito.

john said...

dont you mean cool paw frito? come get it right or no kibble

Frito said...

You are so right John. Gimme five!

john said...

5 to the moon frito to the moon

Alli said...

You look very elite or superior (some might say regal like a king) in this picture... guess Alpha's finally been able to capture your real position in the family in this picture =P

Frito said...

Perhaps so, Alli. But at least I am a benevolent monarch ;-)