Saturday, September 11, 2010

That's Mr. Sunshine to you

You may know that my profile picture on Google is taken with a sunflower in the background. Well, this one multiplies that by about a hundred. All not really sunflowers, but cool yellow daisy-like flowers. And lots of them.

I wonder if they smell good?

Nah, didn't really think they would.

But they still are nice looking --- almost as much as moi.


john said...

are there and munchkins hiding in the flowers?

Frito said...

No, but you might find some snails or slugs (yucckee)

john said...

than you can have you can put them in a car and have s car go

Frito said...

Um, John, usually, you need the rest of the joke, though, before you deliver the punch line:

'S'-car go = escargot (hee, hee)

Alli said...

I'm loving the last picture... might have to be my new background picture for my desktop! Cool angle and you are looking super cute :)

Frito said...

At least the way things are leaning I won't fall off the wall. Just slide into the garden ;-)