Thursday, September 13, 2007

Doin' the wave

Check this out -- a little body surfing in my own frog pond.

You see, the way it happens is I run around the outside and try to smoke them out of crack and crevices.

Then if I find one, they typically leap into the pond to head to safety. And of course, I try to follow them! Splash!!!!

Sometimes I come up coughing, having swallowed not the frog but some pond water.

This is the risk one takes for a little wave action.


Alli said...

What a highly skilled Frito Jaws you are! And so cute too!

Frito said...

Yes, well, I get a lot of practice ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hey Frito,
For a little guy, you sure do make a big splash. I hear frog legs are a delicacy in France. I haven't tried any myself. The most exotic things I have eaten are bugs and hosta flowers. Yummy!
Anna B.

Frito said...

Yeah, well, Anna B, here's the thing. I don't actually eat the frogs. Ya see, it's only sport for me.

And yes, this does causes some distress for my parents.