Well, well, it certainly has been a long time.
Since we last spoke, both Greg and Alli have visited me in Germany -- woo hoo! In fact, Alli just left after spending about 6 weeks here while on break from Chaminade. That's the reason for the blog title. This photo was my "last dance" with Alli before she left on her 25-hour trip back to Honolulu.
And not only that, it was the last photo before Alpha's nice Nikon camera bit the big one. Here's what a photo later that day looked like. Oops.

We stopped into a camera store in Stuttgart and learned that the camera's sensor is "kaput". It will cost as much to fix it as to replace the camera. So that will have to be a task for the future.
But fear not! Alpha took so many pictures during my absence from Frito-a-Day, that we'll just make him work backwards to show you some of the cool things I've been up to.
More to follow ...