This is from our walk down after visiting Neuschwanstein castle (you know, the one Walt Disney modeled the Cinderella castle on).
It was so cool taking our trip down to Bavaria with Alli's friend Cheryl. We packed so much in to a short visit, that it's all somewhat of a blur (get it? ;-)
I'll show you more pictures later. Here is one to remind you of the castle:
its a small world after all
How many pooches can say they've been on a guided tour of Neuschwanstein!!! Shhhh, we won't tell anyone that dogs really aren't allowed :)
John, you are soooooo clever ;-)
Welcome back -- didya miss me?
Yes, well, at least Alpha had the decorum not to photograph me inside the castle. Oh wait, that's only because photos were not allowed (hee, hee).
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