Hold Everything. Bring those presses to a screechin' halt. In fact, let's roll the clock back.
Somebody forgot to post Alpha Day photos. Alli and Greg and Mom and moi all gave Alpha cards and presents, but someone dropped the ball on the Frito-a-Day post. Oops. Guess that was me ;-)
So here we go, a quick retrospective of my cuteness adorning Alpha. See if you can tell how much he's aged in some of these photos. This one shows Alpha acting kinda silly, but at least I look cool as ... Joe Cool

Next we have a closed-shaved cutie pie having just a grand time up at Tucker Pond. You really do have to admit I make the photo, doncha think?

And here's a recent photo from Germany. This time, I look more like a Chihuahua than a Yorkie. Funny how my ears stand up straight whenever I get my haircut.
So anyways, let's all wish Alpha a Happy Alpha's Day. And I can tell you, he took advantage of it. What a lump! Good thing that only comes once every year (hee, hee)