Tuesday, September 26, 2006

New Toy

Frito and the family pulled a fast one on Alpha. When he was on one of his trips, out came a new toy -- Dino the Dinosaur. Frito was just carrying it around the other day. Of course trying to kill it. So Alpha thought -- what the heck -- picture time!


Mom said...

Hi Steve,
What an adorable picture of Frito. He needed Dino and I believe it was on sale.
Have a nice day, and thanks for posting Frito's pictures.

Steven Crisp said...

Hi Cynthia,

I know what you mean. Frito can get so flustered when he looking into his HUGE PILE of existing toys, that rather than make him decide which one to get, it is so much easier to just give him ANOTHER. ;-)

Just kidding. I realize it is impossible to deny Frito. And besides, we don't want Pedro to get ahead in the toy count department. The race is on!