Saturday, September 08, 2007

Up close and personal #4

Another portrait of my adorableness.

Never gets old, now, does it ;-)


Anonymous said...

this is a good pic of frito

Frito said...

Well, gee, thanks John.

I'm going to take that more as a compliment for my dashing good looks than for Alpha's photo skills. After all, he throws away most of the gazillion photos he takes ;-)

Glad you were able to leave me a comment! Keep 'em coming when the spirit moves you ;-)

Frito said...

Oh, one more thing for those that don't know this. If you ever want to see my photo blown up to its full size, just double click on it. Isn't technology wonderful? Hee hee.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Adorable One- you are so cute. I double clicked like Alpha instructed - and WOW you are blown up too much- first your eye took up my my entire screen then your nose, etc. I couldn't get your whole face on, but I was able to inspect every hair. Maybe I did something wrong- I like you the size you are- not the King-Kong version size;-)
Anna B.

Frito said...

Anna B.,

Nope -- you didn't do anything wrong, and you make a good point.

If you double click, you see the full size image, and if the resolution on your screen is not big enough, it overflows the edges of your screen. I'll have to get Alpha to think of how best to handle that.

Lemme get back to you on that ;-)