Sunday, September 12, 2010

You say grass, I say veggies

You say tomahto, I say tomayto.

It's all in how you look at it.

To me, these are my veggies.

And I always like to munch some on the edge of our driveway following our walks.



john said...

bah bah bah

Frito said...

winnie, winnie, ney, ney

Alli said...

such a little grass muncher you are! and most parents have to force their kids to eat their veggies... Mom and Dad sure got lucky with you :P

Frito said...

Yes, but let's be clear ... I am an *Omnivore*.

You can't be too careful with Alpha -- he's on to that vegetarian thing donchaknow. And Mom has joined the ranks as well. No chance of me getting any people-food meat treats.

But at least I still get egg slices (and they are yummy). Don't let them go vegan Alli!