Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Dining with the family

Ah, the joys of Germany. Dining al fresco with the family. Look, they even let me sit in the dinner chair. Now that is what I consider a civilized culture. Wake up, America (hee hee).

Monday, July 13, 2009

Cute and a little shaggy

OK, now tell me that's not the cutest puppy you ever did see.

This one was taken before my haircut, so I am a little shaggy, but personally, I think it just makes me even more cute and cuddly ;-)


Sunday, July 12, 2009

Big Dog

Check this out. I'm looking like a big dog, with a big chew stick.

Well, it's a little short now that I've chewed on it, but see how thick it is. It *was* a big chew stick ;-)

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Rompin' in the grass

Ooooh, this is nice. A large park smack dab in the heart of Stuttgart.

The grass is so cool, it feels good on my paws. I think I'll just romp around a bit, if you don't mind.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Time to get me out

OK guys, this was a nice way to cool me off.

But I think it is time to get me out now.

How about a little help please?

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Big dog, big bone

Donchaknow -- only a big dog can handle a big bone like this.

Yes, indeedy, I am one Big Dog!

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

I'm in good hands

I would just like the record to show ...

I'm in some very good hands ...

Don't you think? After all ... You can see that Alli loves me ...

... and Alpha loves me ...

... and Mom loves me ...

... and Greg loves me ...

OMG -- what a well-loved poochie I am, yes I am!!

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Did ya know I was an actor?

Have you ever seen such a good actor? Come on ... of whom do I remind you?

Oh come on ... I'll give you a hint ... think Lion King ...

That's right, I'm playing Timon the Meerkat! Pretty good, huh?

Oh yeah, and here's my buddy Pumbaa the Warthog. Ha!

And you know what they say .... "Hakuna Matata" Alli (sounds very Hawaiian doesn't it?)

Monday, July 06, 2009

Textured walk

Now this was rather cool. In this neat little park inside Garmisch, we came upon this "texture" path. So Alli and Cheryl were adventurous and checked it out. Shoes off -- they are feeling all the different surfaces with their bare feet.

Really kinda cool.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Cowabunga, dude

What the heck are Alli and Cheryl doing. Hey ladies ... surf is NOT up!

Alli must need to get back to Hawaii (hee, hee)

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Just A-maze-ing

Though it is hard to see from this picture, Alli and Cheryl have followed a maze all the way into the center.

Me? I just walk over the edges of the maze. Now you tell me who is more clever ;-)

Friday, July 03, 2009

Having a cow

Looks like Alli and Cheryl found an interesting park bench in Garmisch.

How Now Black Cow? (Hee hee)

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Cheryl and Alli

Here I am sitting on the deck on the Zugspitzplatz with my girl and her friend Cheryl.

Soaking in some rays. Just enjoying life. Just chillin'

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Skiing anyone?

There was quite a bit of snow up here.

You can see some ski lifts in the background behind Alli, Cheryl, and moi.

And I think you can see what a gorgeous day we had. Woo hoo!