Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Ohhh - the Indignity

Oh, the indignity of it all. Mom and Alpha say I have stinky dog breath. And the vet suggested brushing my teeth.

Can you believe it? I mean, come onnnnnn, I'm a dog!

And I say pppttttouie to your feeble attempts.

Mom tries her dental hygenist technique.

Let me thwart their attempts with clever use of the tongue! Ha!

It didn't take me too long to wear them down. After all, they are just amateurs. And I am the pro!


caroldcrisp said...

Frito, you may have won the battle , but not the war! I will return wielding the orange toothbrush and on to victory and the eradication of doggy breath! Next time we will try some yummy canine toothpaste that even you won't be able to resist :)

Frito said...

Well, if you are going to bribe me, then perhaps we will make a deal. But trust me, I will get the final say on this. It had better be a good bribe, Mom!

Anonymous said...

Frito I am with you, that tooth brushing is murder!!!! Mom got some doggie toothpaste and I just spit it out! We really should let them brush our teeth, 'cause we are going to need them as we get older. I have a housemate cat friend that flosses his teeth every night about 20 times. He loves doing it. Mom's dentist even has a photo of JJ flosing in his office to show the kids- if a cat can floss so can they. We are much smarter than cats- maybe we should cave when it comes to brushing? How aobut an electric tooth brush?
I forgot how to send you a photo? remind me again.
Anna B. and Leo

Frito said...

Hi Anna,

I dunno. I'm not sure toothbrushes and dogs were really made for each other. But we'll see what that toothpaste tastes like.

As for a photo, you can send it to my e-mail address: fritocrisp @ gmail . com

(without the spaces -- that's to fool all those e-mail spider-bots out there -- gives me the willlies just thinking about them ;-)