Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Springtime Froggy Legs

Ola! I'm reveling in the springtime weather.

And just to show you how happy I am that Spring is here, I thought I'd show off my Froggy Legs to you.

That's when I put my belly on the ground, and drag myself with my front paws while my back legs are fully extended.

Don't ask me why we call it "froggy legs". Somethings just are what they are. ;-)


Anonymous said...

Hey Frito,
You look so handsome with your new style. Mom has been taking us outside and we love it- be careful of the ticks. Have a great weekend!
Anna B. and Leo

Frito said...

Thanks Anna B. qnd Leo,

Yes, I definitely worry about ticks -- turns out I have Lyme disease. But Dr. Hotts took good care of me!